I do make custom stickers, yes, even stickers not related to the Fiero! They can be very precisely machine cut to virtually any shape.

I can do stickers in sheets with as many as I can fit, or individual stickers up to 8” x 10”.

You can contact me with what you have in mind, and I will quote a price based on the job. I can either do all of the artwork from scratch, or you can provide your own artwork. Providing your own artwork would be fairly inexpensive to have stickers made.

Here are some custom sticker I made to go on my homeade arcade controller. (Yes, my puppy photo-bombed me!)

Custom Order Request

NOTE: The below custom order button is only for use after we have agreed upon a payment, and your order is ready. no money is due by just making a request with the above form.

Custom Order Payment

Custom orders can be paid for here. Click the button below, and you will be asked the amount to pay, and how you wish to pay. Simply enter the amount we agreed upon and provide all the necessary information.
NOTE: You do NOT need a PayPal account. When you click the button below you will be give the option to pay with PayPal, or with a Credit Card.
